Twin Helix



Federazione Italiana Sport Rotellistici

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La Federazione Italiana Sport Rotellistici è l'organo nazionale di governo di tutti gli sport rotellistici e ha lo scopo di organizzare, disciplinare e sviluppare queste discipline. La FISR persegue i propri scopi armonizzando la propria azione con l'ordinamento sportivo nazionale e internazionale.


Passion for Science and Sport

Our passions are Science and sport, our professional goal is to spread new technologies.
Technology uses science to solve a problem or to create a product.
Almost everything we own and like in a particular way is a technological product.
Technology is made up of all those things that science allows people to do, since science is in continuous progress, so is technology.
The more scientists learn, the more they help us to use technology and the more we feel free to experiment and do what we like.... PLAY THE GAME!

Discover the benefits

Benefits at a glance


A reliable partner that closely follows the whole FISR calendar and covers all procurement needs


Satisfaction level monitored through quarterly surveys


Strategic reserve of rapid test for all eventualities


Fast and customised deliveries


© COPYRIGHT 2020 TWIN HELIX C.F. /P.IVA and n° Registro Imprese di Milano 05819650960 – REA Milano 1851394 Cap.Soc.Euro 50.000 i.v. - Società uninominale