Molecolar and cell biology / BOXES
Our disposable slides offer the ultimate counting experience. With no mess or cleanup, these precision slides are convenient and maintain the highest standard of cell counting accuracy.
L12001Cell Counting Slides, 50 Slides (100 Counts)
L12002Cell Counting Slides, 500 Slides (1000 Counts)
L12003Cell Counting Slides, 1000 Slides (2000 Counts)
PhotonSlides are dedicated slides for fluorescence and they guarantee a high level of accuracy in counting. The disposable feature of them effectively shortens large samples processing.
L12005PhotonSlide(), 50 Slides (100 Counts)
L12006PhotonSlide(), 500 Slides (1000 Counts)
L12007PhotonSlide(), 1000 Slides (2000 Counts)
LUNA Reusable Slide Coverslips (only for old reusable slide, L12008)
L12010LUNA Reusable Slide Coverslips (only for old reusable slide, L12008)
The LUNA™ Reusable Slide delivers the affordability of manual cell counting without the associated time, subjectivity, and user-to-user variability. With no mess or cleanup, these precision slides are convenient and maintain the highest standard of cell counting accuracy.
L12011LUNA Reusable Slide (New, 1 chamber)
L12012LUNA Reusable Slide (New, 1 chamber, 2pack)
LUNA Reusable Slide Coverslips (New, for L12011 and L12012)
L12014LUNA Reusable Slide Coverslips (New)
Concentration ~1.0 x 106 beads/mL (at dilution factor 2). LUNA™ Standard Beads are used to calibrate the LUNA™ family of cell counters for brightfield cell counting.
B13101Luna Standard Bead (Bright Field) *Concentration: 1.0 X 10e6/ml *Size: 10 um
7 um beads useful for calibrating the Luna-FL cell counter
F23102Luna-FL Calibration Bead (50 tests)
Trypan Blue Stain is a vital dye used to assess cell viability. Viable cells have intact cell membranes and are not stained, remaining colorless. Nonviable cells are stained blue. Trypan Blue Stain is used with the LUNA™ family of cell counters for brightfield cell counting.
T13001Trypan Blue Stain 0.4% (200 tests)
Erythrosin B Stain is a vital dye used to assess cell viability. Viable cells have intact cell membranes and are not stained, remaining colorless. Nonviable cells are stained red. Erythrosin B Stain is used with the LUNA™ family of cell counters for brightfield cell counting.
L13002LUNA Biosafe Stain (200 tests)
Acridine Orange/Propidium Iodide Stain is a cell viability dye that causes viable nucleated cells to fluoresce green and nonviable nucleated cells to fluoresce red. Acridine Orange/Propidium Iodide Stain can be used to assess cell viability with the automated fluorescence cell counters of the LUNA™ family. Acridine orange permeates viable cells and binds to nucleic acids.
F23001 AO/PI Cell Viability Kit (500 tests)
F23002 AO Cell Viability Kit (500 tests)
F23003 PI Cell Viability Kit (500 tests)
F53002Cell Dilution Buffer II
F23202Yeast Viability Kit 1 (500 tests)
F23212Cell Dilution Buffer (500 tests)
F23213Fluorescence Signal Enhancer 1 (500 tests)
Installation qualification (IQ) and operational qualification (OQ) protocols for Luna-FL instruments.
F24003Luna-FL IQ/OQ Protocol
Installation qualification (IQ) and operational qualification (OQ) protocols for Luna-STEM cell counter.
F34003LUNA-STEM IQ/OQ Protocol
Installation qualification (IQ) and operational qualification (OQ) protocols for Luna-II cell counter.
F44003LUNA-II IQ/OQ Protocol
Luna Printer is compatibel with Luna(specify name of the product?)
P10001Luna Printer
Thermal sheet for Luna printer (275 prints / 6 rolls)
P12001Luna Printer Paper (Thermal, 275 prints/ 6rolls)
Thermal paper for the Luna II printer (830 prints / 10 rolls)
P12002LUNA-II Printer Paper - (Thermal, 830 prints/ 10rolls)
A pen for cleaning the Luna Printer.
P13001Luna Printer Cleaning Pen
L71003Bioprocess-specific software: installed by manufacturer only
L75001FX7 Storage upgrade (256GB -> 1TB): by manufaturer only
L74004LUNA-FX7 IQ/OQ Pakage: IQOQ Protocol + Validation slide (BF, FL)
Counting chamber with 8 positions compatible exclusively with the Luna FX7 instrument. Each station accommodates 10 ul of sample for a total analyzable volume of 0.5 ul. Also available in the irradiated range version.
L72001LUNA 8-Channel Slides, 50 Slides
L72002LUNA 8-Channel Slides, 500 Slides
L72003LUNA 8-Channel Slides, Sterile - gamma-irradiated, 500 Slides
Single position counting chamber compatible exclusively with the Luna FX7 instrument. Maximum loadable volume 50 ul for a total analyzable volume of 5 ul. Also available in the irradiated gamma version.
L72011LUNA 1-Channel Slides, 50 Slides
L72012LUNA 1-Channel Slides, 500 Slides
L72013LUNA 1-Channel Slides, Sterile - gamma-irradiated, 500 Slides
Counting chamber with 3 positions compatible exclusively with the Luna FX7 instrument. Each station accommodates 10 ul of sample for a total analysable volume of 1.3 ul. Also available in the irradiated gamma version.
L72021LUNA 3-Channel Slides, 50 Slides
L72022LUNA 3-Channel Slides, 500 Slides
L72023LUNA 3-Channel Slides, Sterile - gamma-irradiated, 500 Slides
Cell Counter Validation Slide-FL is used for monitoring the performance of the Luna-FX7 during flourenscence acquisitions
L72030Cell Counter Viability Control Set (fluorescence)
Calibration Beads Kit is for the calibration of the Luna-FX7 cell counter.
F73101LUNA FX Calibration Beads Kit
Validation slides to monitor the performance of the Luna-FX7 during brightfield acquisitions.
L72040Cell Counter Viability Control Set (brightfield)
T13011Trypan Blue Stain, 0.4%, Sterile-filtered
Acridine Orange and Propidium Iodide Stain are pigments for evaluating cell vitality, they can be used with the fluorescence cell counters of the LUNA ™ family. Vital nucleate cells will be green while non vital cells will be red. Acridine orange permeates vital cells and connects them with nucleic acids. When binding with the dsDNA makes the acridine orange green, while binding to ssDNA or RNA makes it red.
F23011Acridine Orange/Propidium Iodide Stain, Sterile-filtered
L71001CountWire Basic
L71002CountWire, Additional PC License with a dongle
Installation qualification (IQ) and operational qualification (OQ) protocols for Luna FX7.
L74003LUNA-FX7 IQ/OQ Protocol
C12001Tissue Container (Whole Mouse Brain) - 20 units
C12002Container Holder for 1 Tissue Container
C12004Mouse Brain Slice Holder (Chamber Height: 4 mm)
C12007Whole Rat Brain Holder
C120101.5 Φ Holder for 36 Mouse Brain Slices
C120111.5 Φ Holder for 6 Slices
C120121.5 Φ Holder for 1 Sample
C120131.5 Φ Holder for 6 Mouse Brains
C120141.5 Φ Holder for 48 Samples
C120151.5 Φ Holder for 192 Samples
C120200.6 Φ Holder for 36 Mouse Brain Slices
C120210.6 Φ Holder for 6 Slices
C120220.6 Φ Holder for 1 Sample
C120230.6 Φ Holder for 6 Mouse Brains
C120240.6 Φ Holder for 48 Samples
C120250.6 Φ Holder for 192 Samples
C120301.5 Φ Mesh Plate
C120310.6 Φ Mesh Plate
C12032Spacer for 1 Slice
C12033Spacer for 1 Sample
C12034Spacer for 6 Slices
C12035Spacer for 6 Mouse Brains
C12036Spacer for 24 Samples
C12037Spacer for 96 Samples
C12038Silicone Rings
C12101Multi-cable (for Controller & Chamber)
C15001Replacement Tubes for X-CLARITY Tissue Clearing System (Snap-Lock Connector Tube+Peristaltic Pump Tube)
C35001Replacement Tubes for X-CLARITY Tissue Clearing System II (Snap-Lock Connector Tube/Silicone Tube/Peristaltic Pump Tube)
C12201Power Cord
X-CLARITY™ Mounting Solution is a refractive index matching solution (RIMS) modified from the recipe developed by Yang et al (2). The refractive index (RI) of the solution is 1.460 at 25°C and is stable over a wide temperature range. X-CLARITY™ Mounting Solution minimizes photobleaching and preserves fluorescence signals, making it an ideal solution for clarified and labeled tissue samples.
C13100X-CLARITY Mounting Solution sample
C13101X-CLARITY Mounting Solution (25 mL)
C13102X-CLARITY Mounting Solution (Value Pack)
C13107X-CLARITY Mounting Solution Bulk Pack
DeepLabel™ Antibody Staining Kit is a set of reagents optimized for use with clarified tissues for effective antibody penetration and sitespecific binding. DeepLabel™ Solution A is a permeabilization reagent that enhances antibody permeation. DeepLabel™ Solution B is an antibody dilution buffer that facilitates the antigen-antibody binding reaction. Unbound antibodies are efficiently removed by the DeepLabel™ Washing Buffer. X-CLARITY™ Mounting Solution is a refractive index matching solution (RIMS) that minimizes photobleaching and preserves fluorescence signals. The refractive index (RI) of the solution is 1.460 at 25°C and is stable over a wide temperature range
C33001DeepLabel Antibody Staining Kit - DeepLabel Solution A (1X25mL) - DeepLabel Solution B (2X25mL) - DeepLabel Washing Buffer (1X250mL) - X-CLARITY Mounting Solution (1X25 mL)
C33010DeepLabel Antibody Staining Kit: Bulk Pack - C33001 X 5kits
C33000DeepLabel Antibody Staining Sample Kit - DeepLabel Solution A (1X5mL) - DeepLabel Solution B (2X5mL) - DeepLabel Washing Buffer (1X25mL)
C20002X-CLARITY Heat Block for 6 x 50 mL tubes
C20003X-CLARITY Heat Block for flat-bottom plates
C20004Heat Block Lifter
The X-CLARITY™ Hydrogel Solution Kit is a pre-tested hydrogel solution for uniform and consistent tissue-hydrogel hybridization. X-CLARITY™ Hydrogel Solution is an acrylamide-based solution used to create polyacrylamide, a chemically inert and electrically neutral gel matrix. The X-CLARITY™ Hydrogel Solution contains no bis-acrylamide or paraformaldehyde. X-CLARITY™ Polymerization Initiator is a thermal free radical initiator also known as VA-044. VA044 is relatively stable at room temperature but undergoes rapid hemolytic decomposition when heated in aqueous solution, releasing cationic free radicals that initiate the polymerization of hydrogel monomers
C1310XX-CLARITY Hydrogel Solution Kit - X-CLARITY Hydrogel Solution (1 L) - X-CLARITY Polymerization Initiator (2.5 g)
The X-CLARITY™ Hydrogel Solution Kit is a pre-tested hydrogel solution for uniform and consistent tissue-hydrogel hybridization. X-CLARITY™ Hydrogel Solution is an acrylamide-based solution used to create polyacrylamide, a chemically inert and electrically neutral gel matrix. The X-CLARITY™ Hydrogel Solution contains no bis-acrylamide or paraformaldehyde. X-CLARITY™ Polymerization Initiator is a thermal free radical initiator also known as VA-044. VA044 is relatively stable at room temperature but undergoes rapid hemolytic decomposition when heated in aqueous solution, releasing cationic free radicals that initiate the polymerization of hydrogel monomers.
C13103X-CLARITY Hydrogel Solution
The X-CLARITY™ Polymerization Initiator is a thermal free radical initiator also known as VA-044. VA-044 is relatively stable at room temperature but undergoes rapid hemolytic decomposition when heated in aqueous solution, releasing cationic free radicals that initiate the polymerization of hydrogel monomers.
C13104 X-CLARITY Polymerization Initiator
Plan achromatic objectives are corrected for axial chromatic aberration in two wavelengths, spherical aberration in the color green, and flat-field aberration. The CELENA® TC PlanAchro Ph objectives are long working distance objectives that are suitable for routine brightfield, phase contrast, and fluorescence imaging with most cell culture vessels.
I10001TC PlanAchro 4X Ph (NA 0.13, WD 17.3)
I10002TC PlanAchro 10X Ph (NA 0.25, WD 7.6)
I10003TC PlanAchro 20X Ph (NA 0.4, WD 7.0)
I10004TC PlanAchro 40X Ph (NA 0.65, WD 2.8)
Plan fluorite objectives are produced from advanced glass formulations and provide a higher level of correction. The CELENA® TC PlanFluor objectives are long working distance fluorite objectives that have been designed to be used with standard culture vessels. These objectives are suitable for sensitive fluorescence imaging and higher resolution brightfield imaging.
I10005TC PlanFluor 4X (NA 0.13, WD 17.5)
I10006TC PlanFluor 10X (NA 0.3, WD 7.5)
I10007TC PlanFluor 20X (NA 0.4, WD 7.5)
I10008TC PlanFluor 40X (NA 0.6, WD 2.9)